MBA Professor Advises How to Be Successful and Happy

What does it mean to be successful? Does success equal happiness?
MBA Professor Advises How to Be Successful and Happy

Rajagopal Paghunathan, who is an MBA professor of Marketing at the Indian School of Business and McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas, gives some tips on how to increase the ‘happiness quotient’.


A lot of management and engineering graduates go on to become CEOs, earn a lot of money, have fancy houses and vacations. If you ask them, Are they happy, most times than not. Money does not equate to happiness is something everyone knows but most people don’t know how to get off that rat race and do something meaningful.

Raghunathan said.


Professor Raghunathan defines happiness as having a sense of pride and serenity. Below you can see some tips he has to offer on what an individual needs to be successful and happy:

1. Identify something that gives you a lot of engagement and takes you in its flow without realizing time spent on it. Most often what happens is that individuals borrow questions on life choices from parents, mentors, etc and then struggle to fulfill them. For instance, when a student gets good grades in school, it is automatically assumed he will head to the engineering and medicine streams versus what he/she would really like to do.

2. One deep and meaningful relationship: This could be with a spouse, family member, friend, etc. A relationship where you can discuss your failings, misgivings, joys, etc with someone who hears you without judging you.

3. A need to have an implicit faith that things will work out. If they don’t, then look for the positives in that outcome. For instance, if you miss a flight, focus on what you can do with the time on your hands instead of stressing over the missed flight.


Do you have your own tips on happiness and success? You can share them in the comments below.


Source: First Post

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Boyana Raycheva

Boyana is a Marketing Expert, creating engaging content, and working on enhancing the website's user experience. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Malmo University in Sweden. Boyana is passionate about skiing, surfing,...

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