Sir Richard Branson at LBS on Entrepreneurship (Video)

Watch this insightful Q&A session with the well-known Sir Richard Branson on the topic of entrepreneurship filmed at the London Business School.
Sir Richard Branson at LBS on Entrepreneurship (Video)


Sir Richard Branson, Founder and Chairman of Virgin Group answers the questions of LBS MBA students sharing with them his lifelong experience as an entrepreneur. The Q&A session covers topics such as entrepreneurship, social issues, adventure, the environment and even space travel.


For your information Sir Richard Branson is an English businessman and investor, best known as the founder of Virgin Group, which comprises of more than 400 companies. He started his own business at the age of sixteen and in 1972 he opened a chain of record stores, called Virgin Records. As of 25th October 2015 Forbes ranked Branson's estimated net worth at US $5 billion.

During his meeting with LBS MBA and EMBA students and alumni Sir Richard Branson answers the following questions. Watch the video to see how he answers.

  1. How do you make meaning in the business world that you enter?
  2. How do you contribute back into the community?
  3. How did you turn your passion for music into a successful business?
  4. How did you develop from a low-cost company into a luxurious brand?
  5. Do you plan to develop the market in Latin America?
  6. What are you criteria for the feasibility of an investment?
  7. How do you decide when it’s a good time to sell?
  8. How do you keep control of your brand?
  9. Could you share what you have learned from your mistakes?
  10. What do you think about the opportunities and challenges in China’s market?
  11. Can you share your personal strengths?
  12. What are your criteria for selecting people to work with?
  13. Do you think that a company could be too successful?
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Iren Hristoskova

Iren is passionate about languages, nature, travel and communication. She was a content writer at Advent Group for a year and wrote blog articles on various aspects of international Business Master’s and MBA studies, admission tests, and application...

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