What Comes after an MBA Degree?

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Here are three stories of recent MBA grads from Haas Business School.
What Comes after an MBA Degree?

They claim that the MBA degree completely changed the course of their career.

Here is what they have to say.

Jess is  a 2013 MBA graduate. She used to work in investment banking . Even though she liked her job, she wanted to work in a setting more focused on people. Obtaining an MBA degree was a crucial step for Jess, as it prepared her for a career in management consulting.

I didn't have a lot of the experience necessary for success in consulting," says Jess, citing live. "Core classes in strategy combined with experiential electives […] were the perfect combination to quickly get me up-to-speed.


Matt Roehl is a 2014 grad. His traded his career as a research analyst for one in investment banking.

At Jefferies we advise clients in a variety of industries on M&A transactions and provide financing through the debt and equity capital markets,

says Matt of the global investment firm he's joined.


See also What can you do after obtaining an MBA degree 


Lauren Wong graduated in 2013. Sonn after her graduation, she managed to land a job as a Strategy Manager, at Genentech.

My work involves a mix of strategy, analytics, project management, and extensive collaboration," says Lauren. "I'm often problem-solving around uncertainties presented by the rapidly evolving health care environment.

She says that she is drawing on principles from her MBA programme every day at her job.


Would you like to be next on the list? Find out how to get admitted to an MBA programme.


Source: Landing Your Dream Job: How These MBA Grads Did It

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Boyana Raycheva

Boyana is a Marketing Expert, creating engaging content, and working on enhancing the website's user experience. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Malmo University in Sweden. Boyana is passionate about skiing, surfing,...

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