GMAT Prep for Non-native English Speakers (Video)

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Passing the GMAT exam, while only one part of your business school application, can be a daunting task, especially for non-native English speakers. However, it turns out that speaking English as a foreign language has its advantages, too.
GMAT Prep for Non-native English Speakers (Video)


If you are serious about business school, there is usually no way around the GMAT. Not only that, but you will have to do well because the score can make the difference between getting accepted or rejected by the school of your choice. The GMAT is accepted by more than 6,000 business and management programmes worldwide, and the course you are aiming for is very likely to require a decent GMAT score.


Check out: How to Prepare for GMAT – Essential Guide

Formal training is an advantage

Mariana Zecca, a Full-time MBA student from Cranfield University, is a non-native English speaker, but she, oddly enough, claims that this could actually be viewed as an advantage. She expresses confidence that the formal English training she had had actually tipped the scales in her favour.

When you are speaking your native language, she says, you are not thinking about grammatical structure or verb tenses. But when you learn another language, these aspects take centre stage. According to her, this can be a major advantage while preparing for the exam.

Plenty of prep tools available

Zecca also stresses the importance of practice, adding that the GMAT website provides plenty of tools that can help you nail the exam. For example, you can download the GMATPrep software, which is designed to help you discover which areas of the exam to focus on. Or you can use the GMAT Prep Timeline, which provides a step-by-step approach to your personal study plan, and includes links to tips, products, and advice for improving your weak areas and enhancing your strengths.

Check out: How I Improved my GMAT Score (Video) 

Responding to concerns that the exam puts non-native English speakers at a disadvantage, GMAC has taken measures such as reducing idioms in order to level the playing field a bit more. This should encourage those of you who speak English as a foreign language and feel that a strong GMAT score is attainable by native speakers only.

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Valentin Vassilev

Valentin joined Advent Group’s editorial team in 2016, bringing with him nearly a decade of experience as a business journalist. He developed extensive expertise in business education, particularly in the MBA sector, complemented by his strong...

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