Stanford Assists UAE for New Entrepreneurship Curricula

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New curricula with entrepreneurial focus are going to be launched in the United Arab Emirates with the help of Stanford University. The training will also include innovation and technologies.
Stanford Assists UAE for New Entrepreneurship Curricula

The curricula are going to be applied from January 2016 and will be valid for both private and public higher education institutions, which gives a great number of students the opportunity to benefit from the changes.

The national programme was launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. He has expressed confidence that the improved curricula would “prepare the new generation for the future, for a new world that requires different skills”.

Sheikh Mohammed also said, “Developing the right educational curricula and tools will support the UAE in maintaining its global competitiveness over the next decade. The coming generations will be required to develop the skills of innovation, analysis and entrepreneurship to keep pace with the rapid changes in technology.”

The launch of the national programme to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education curricula  marks 2015 as the year of innovation.

The programme also responds to calls to embed the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship in UAE culture and represents a crucial step towards achieving the objectives of the National Innovation Strategy and UAE Vision 2021.

As for the partnership with Stanford University, it will cover the whole development of the new curricula along with their implementation. The scope of the new programme includes the development of innovation and entrepreneurship curricula, the training of university faculty to teach these curricula, workshops to raise awareness among teachers and university professors about the programme, symposia and visits to Stanford University and Silicon Valley. The programme will also facilitate direct interaction between UAE university professors and Stanford University experts.

Source: Times Higher Education


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Iren Hristoskova

Iren is passionate about languages, nature, travel and communication. She was a content writer at Advent Group for a year and wrote blog articles on various aspects of international Business Master’s and MBA studies, admission tests, and application...

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