Exploring MBA Programmes

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So you have decided to study for an MBA? What now? Check out this how-to guide for exploring MBA programmes and learn everything you need to know before applying!
Exploring MBA Programmes


Your decision to get an MBA degree is always followed by a very important process of choosing the right programme. Depending on where you are in the selection process, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. There are many schools to consider and choices to make. Not to mention the amount of data, opinions and rankings to sift through.


MBA selection tips and tricks

If you do not know where to start, start here! In this video Soojin Kwon, Director of Admissions at The Ross School of Business of the University of Michigan (US), gives you tips and tricks that you probably do not want to miss.

If you are serious about applying to a business school, you need to start with a self-assessment. Look at your academic and professional skills. It is very important to take a GMAT practice test. Knowing your potential GMAT score is an important part of knowing which schools are in your realm of possibilities. You want to be honest with yourself throughout this process and practice tests can help with that level setting.

Check out: How to Choose Schools for MBA or Master’s Programmes?

The MBA skyline

After your assessment is complete, the next thing is to dive into rankings. Rankings do have a place in your MBA research, but you want to know what you are getting into before you take the plunge. These days every business publication has their own rankings and they all measure different things. For any ranking to be useful to you, it needs to align with factors that are important to you, not to a general audience.

Check out: Which Are the Best MBA Rankings?

The right fit

Now that you have a handle on rankings, you need to think about something that you probably haven’t been thinking about at this point of the process – fit. Your success at business school isn’t predicted by the percentage of graduates who get jobs in an industry you’re interested in working in. It is rather a result of what you put in, what you’re able to learn and the goals you accomplish. To maximise those things you have to find the right environment and the right people for you!

Check out: MBA School Finder to compare programmes by handy school profiles

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About the author

Deya Tsoneva

Deya worked in Advent Group as Marketing Assistant and Social Media Community Officer between 2017 and 2018. She has a degree in International Media and Entertainment Management from the NHTV University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. She is skilled...

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