In this short but informative video Harvard graduate Giulio Rocca discusses the importance of self-assessment and how crucial it is to know yourself before applying to graduate school. Self-assessment can help you determine your chances of getting in.
How to assess your chances of graduate school admission
There are six different characteristics that you have to consider in order to evaluate your profile, strengths and weaknesses properly.
1. The first one is the relevance of your undergraduate major. For example if you have graduated in engineering and you want to study philosophy that does not put you in the strongest position, unfortunately. It is very important to choose a Master’s degree in the field in which you graduated or in a related field. That puts you in a stronger position.
2. The second consideration is grades. It is not hard to come to the conclusion that if you have a high GPA then that is going to help you a lot in impressing the admissions committee.
3. The third factor is the prestige of your undergraduate school. If you have attended an Ivy League university or another highly regarded university your application will probably be treated with greater attention than if you have attended a non-famous university.
4. The fourth consideration is your professional accomplishments. It is very important to present those in your application in the greatest possible detail.
5. Extracurricular activities are also very important for your application. Graduate schools love that part of your application. So don’t forget to mention it if you were the class president or a leader of a certain university club. Just include it in your application if you think it is relevant.
6. The sixth and one of the most important criteria is you GRE score. This is graduate schools’ way to measure and compare candidates against each other.
These considerations will help you determine exactly where you stand and how high your chances are of getting admitted to a good school.
Enjoy watching and don’t forget to comment! Good luck with your application!