Have you ever talked with a friend about a problem, only to realise that he just doesn’t seem to understand why the issue is so important to you? Have you ever presented an idea to a group, and seen it met with confusion? This short, amusingly animated video describes why miscommunication occurs so frequently and how we can prevent it.
Human communication is incredibly complex even if we speak the same language as the person we are communicating with. A simple basic understanding of the process of communication can help us prevent frustrating situations that come from misunderstanding.
For decades researches have tried to grasp what happens when we communicate. There is an interpretation called the transition model. It views communication as a message that goes from one person to another. This can be viewed as someone tossing a ball and walking away. Unfortunately, in reality things are a bit more complex. Here comes the transactional model which acknowledges the many challenges that come with communication. This model represents communication as a game of catch. This means that when we communicate our word message we receive feedback from the other party and through this transaction we create meaning together. Unfortunately further complications may arise during the course of this exchange.
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When communicating, one person expresses their interpretation of the message while the other person hears their own interpretation of that message. Our perception filters share meanings and interpretations continuously. Every one of us has a unique perception of the world based on his or her knowledge, past experience, age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion or one of the most important factors – family background. At the same time, every person interprets the message they receive based on their relationship with the other person, and their unique understanding of the semantics and connotations of the exact words used.
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Learn more and find some tips on how to improve your communication skills in the video.
Interestingly enough, some of these skills can help you perform better at admission tests such as TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT and GRE and certainly during an admission or job interview.
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