If you ask any successful stratup founder about hiring habits, there are certain traits they look for when adding to their team. Below, you can check out the 9 traits startup founders seek in new hires:
1. Passion and motivation
"Number one: Believe in the startup and its mission! You must be prepared to hit the ground running and learn as you go. Take direction and guidance and make it your own." - Niari Keverian, CEO of ZOOS Greek Iced Tea
2. Curiosity
"We look for 'curious hustlers' to join our growing team — people who are hungry for new ways to innovate and learn, but will always execute." - Sean Naegeli, COO of Splashscore
3. Speed, attitude and expertise
"When we hire startup talent at Rosie we look for three things: Speed, attitude and expertise. We can always teach people to become experts and to efficiently get things done. The hardest part of our hiring process is finding people with the attitude, passion and endurance to build great products and deliver delight to customers day in and day out.” - Nick Nickitas, CEO of Rosie
4. Audacity
"We strive to hire people smarter and edgier than us. To do that, we look for proven risk-takers amped up to experiment and have their feet held to the fire. Leaders aren’t just born; they’re made. And Grapevine will only make it with a team of leaders." - Ryin Bradley, director of business development at Grapevine Logic
5. Hunger and willingness to sacrifice
"Really interesting candidates crave more responsibility and are willing to drop whatever they’re doing to learn something new. Also, he or she has to be okay with taking Megabuses — we’re still bootstrapping." - Liz Asai, CEO of 3Derm
6. Sense of humor and cultural fit
"Skills are a given, so we hire for culture first and foremost. People we bring onboard need to not only think my bad jokes are funny, but also be able to tell a joke that’s worse than mine. Do that and you’re part of the team." - Ken Deckinger, cofounder and CEO of Jess, Meet Ken
7. Impact
"We look for fun, passionate and ambitious individuals who are looking to make an impact in students’ lives." - Remy Carpinito, CEO ofCampusTap
8. Flexibility
"I look for people who have a wide variety of skills, since you have to wear multiple hats in the dynamic startup environment." - Aziz Kaddan, CEO of Myndlift
9. Fearlessness
"The best employees are independent and don’t need constant monitoring, but also aren’t afraid to ask questions, be humble and admit when mistakes have been made. In our line of business, as is the case with most startups, failures are inevitable and success is largely determined by how well you can cope with them." - Timo Kauppila, cofounder and CEO of Catchbox
Source: Mashable