Careers in Entrepreneurial Management

In this video, Pooja from, talks about career opportunities for MBA in Entrepreneurial Management graduates.
Careers in Entrepreneurial Management


The Master's in Business Administration in Entrepreneurial Management is a course designed to develop networking, leadership, creativity, spontaneity, team management, flexibility, foresight, expertise and innovation. It teaches how to deal with business from the perspective of small to large groups. Strengths and weaknesses, as well as strategy and analysis, are other areas that will be studied and researched. The course teaches the entrepreneur to overcome challenges so that he can execute his ideas and transform them into a successful business venture. Skills bestowed include how to spearhead growth and development, how to secure finance, how to guarantee a social imprint, how to research the market and how to keep abreast of modernization.


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Specializations available include IT, retail, environment, biotech, healthcare, marketing or finance. After completing a bachelor's degree in a business-related area, anyone whose interests revolve around business management from an owner’s perspective can enroll on this course. The program lasts one year.

The holder of an MBA degree in entrepreneurship can become:

  • A company's CEO
  • A corporate manager
  • An employee supervisor
  • A business consultant
  • A departmental manager
  • A corporate vice president
  • A management analyst

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The height of achievement for an entrepreneur is perceived to be owning a business, company or corporation and deploying one's mastery of innovative techniques in a particular market segment. But owning a business is not the only yardstick of success. A highly paid corporate job is another option, perhaps evolving into ownership once the necessary experience is acquired. Established businesses also need entrepreneurs to facilitate sales promotion and market research. MBA entrepreneurs can be valuable assets if they have strong problem-solving skills and can deal with long-term issues affecting the company.

An entrepreneur’s salary is based on various factors such as his track record, his experience and ability to steer a company’s overall development as well as the firm’s market profits. One's earnings as an MBA entrepreneur depending on experience, skills, development and the extent to which innovations are introduced or overseen.

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Deya Tsoneva

Deya worked in Advent Group as Marketing Assistant and Social Media Community Officer between 2017 and 2018. She has a degree in International Media and Entertainment Management from the NHTV University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. She is skilled...

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