6 Highest Paid MBAs

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Obtaining an MBA degree from a top business school usually guarantees an increase in salary and a top managerial position.
6 Highest Paid MBAs

However, some MBAs are in more demand and pay more than others. Below you can see which the highest paid MBAs are:

1. Finance

An MBA in Finance will prepare you to handle the highest level of responsibilities in financial organization. The starting salary for graduates with MBA degree in Finance is around $72,000.

2. Healthcare

An MBA in healthcare will qualify you for the top administrative jobs in hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare related facilities. After obtaining an MBA degree in healthcare, graduates are eligible to become health services managers for instance. The median salary for a starting health care services manager is around $80,000.

3. Marketing

An MBA degree in marketing guarantees that students will be well prepared for product promotion and in general for services in all types of companies and organizations. Graduates with an MBA in marketing are eligible to work as marketing managers and can expect a median salary around $108,000.

4. Information systems

An MBA in information systems/technologies prepares the candidate to be able to handle the computer activities in a company, implement websites, manage installation and upgrade computer equipment. Medial salary for a graduate with an MBA degree in information technology is over $100,000.

5. Accounting

MBAs in accounting aim to help graduates move from staff accountant CFO. The expected median salary for a person with an MBA degree in accounting is around $100,000.

6. Business Management

An MBA in Business Management provides gives excellent job prospects. Moreover, graduates with an MBA in Business Management are not limited to a single type of position. For instance an MBA in Business Management can prepare students for a job as HR manager or sales director with a median salary of around $105,000.

Source: MBAnoGMAT

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Boyana Raycheva

Boyana is a Marketing Expert, creating engaging content, and working on enhancing the website's user experience. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Malmo University in Sweden. Boyana is passionate about skiing, surfing,...

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