An Artist and a Future Leader of Tomorrow

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We met Hamid, an altruistic and highly motivated MBA applicant who would like to leave a positive mark on the world as a leader. Read below for a summary of our interview with him during the Access MBA event in Prague.
An Artist and a Future Leader of Tomorrow

We met Hamid, an altruistic and highly motivated MBA applicant who would like to leave a positive mark on the world as a leader. Read below for a summary of our interview with him during the Access MBA event in Prague. Watch the full interview here. 


Q: Why did you choose to apply for an MBA?

A: I chose to apply for an MBA because I think it is a great reflection of today’s inspirational humanitarian values. And it is a formidable opportunity for future achievement and success.

Q: Can you share with us a bit about your academic and professional experience?

A: After studying science and technology in my high school, I attended a university of fine art — so I have a bachelor in fine art. After that, I decided to go abroad and ended up in the Czech Republic. There, I worked for IBM for one year, and now I work at Dimension Data in the field of IT and consumer service reports.

Q: Would you say your education helped prepare you for this job? A: I believe so, and also my experience and the challenges I faced from a long time back.

Q: How did you go about finding your job? Did your university help?

A: The university helped put me on the right pathway to achieve my goals and dreams.

Q: At what stage are you in the MBA application process?

A: Right now I’m exploring different universities. I have already met many of their school representatives, and have retrieved plenty of information. I’m going to think about it some more, and see which school is the best match for me.

Q: During the Access MBA event did you enjoy meeting one school in particular?

A: I most enjoyed meeting the rep from Saint Mary’s University in Canada. The requirements of their program are balanced, and fit my conditions. The director was so kind, gave an exemplary presentation of the university and really motivated me to study there.

Q: Did you discuss their full-time MBA?

A: Yes, and also he told me about another program focusing on technology and innovation. It is what I would love to do— what I am doing now.

Q: What do you think makes an MBA candidate stand out from the rest?

A: Well, I am especially eager to move ahead and improve my skills, and explore new ideas. It’s important to apply these skills to real life. I believe that one day I will develop some theory that will transform the world. This is what I am working so hard towards. I have full confidence that I can achieve that. 

Q: Have you taken the GMAT or GRE before?

A: Honestly, no. 

Check out: What is the GMAT Test? also What is the GRE Test?

Q: How about the English proficiency exams: TOEFL or IELTS?

A: I haven’t had the opportunity to take them yet.

Q: What method do you choose to prepare best for exams?

A: I use more than one method. I watch videos and read at the same time; this really helps me to understand things better. I’m a multi-tasker.

Q: What way do you learn best — are you a visual, auditory, or an interactive learner?

A: Well, I should stress that I am an artist. I’m more of a visual learner — I think a lot using images. I analyze and observe a lot.

Q: What are your thoughts about the Access MBA event in Prague?

A: It is a great initiative for everyone hoping to realize their dreams. And it’s like acquiring the key to a successful future.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years professionally?

A: In a leadership role. I would like to give something useful back to the world.

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