Debate of the Month: The Best Way to Finance MBA Studies

Finding a way to finance MBA studies is of primary importance. This is why we dedicate our next Debate of the Month to the best way to finance MBA studies.
Debate of the Month: The Best Way to Finance MBA Studies

In our section, Debate of the Month, we discuss some of the hottest MBA-related dilemmas that many prospective students face along their MBA journey. For each topic, you can read expert perspectives that will help you get the details on the topic.

The main goal of the debate is to create a dynamic environment which encourages you to contribute and thus have an impact on the development of each ongoing topic. It is your contribution that will provide an invaluable perspective, which, in combination with the facts and statistics, will help us determine the winner of each debate. You are welcome to get involved and share your insights.

Ways to finance MBA studies

Each funding option has its bright sides and drawbacks. Personal funding may be at your disposal, but how wise is it to invest all of it in your MBA? Employer sponsorship is a valuable support and a very tempting option, but it entails binding terms. However, these terms may have positive consequences for you, rather than just limitations. Scholarships and grants are free, but their availability is always limited and access to them is highly competitive. Work-study options such as assistantships are perfect for any business minded student, but one has to meet the eligibility requirements. MBA student loans are readily available, but at what cost?

Join the debate, watch video interviews, share, learn and vote! Also, check out our previous debate dedicated to American vs European MBAs .

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Boyana Raycheva

Boyana is a Marketing Expert, creating engaging content, and working on enhancing the website's user experience. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Malmo University in Sweden. Boyana is passionate about skiing, surfing,...

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