GMAT Data Sufficiency Question Type

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This GMAT Data Sufficiency lesson does not merely show students the “rules of the game” on what has traditionally been considered the GMAT’s trickiest family of questions but also demonstrates how these rules can work to a test-taker’s advantage.
GMAT Data Sufficiency Question Type


This is the third of three sessions held as part of the free, week-long GMAT course offered by PrepAdviser and Veritas Prep in September. The course aims to familiarise prospective test-takers with the most crucial strategies that they need to employ to achieve their desired GMAT score. The first session (High Level GMAT Overview) is available here and the second (Critical Reasoning) here.


This MOOC session was filmed using Veritas Prep’s Live Online technology on 16 September, 2016.

GMAT Data Sufficiency questions

Data Sufficiency questions measure your ability to analyse a problem, recognise relevant information, and decide if you have enough information to solve the problem. Each GMAT Data Sufficiency problem contains a question and two accompanying statements. You are not asked to solve the problems. You are asked to merely determine whether it is possible for you to solve the problem using the given data and applying well-known formulas.

Check out: What GMAT Score Do You Need for B-school? (Video)

Learn from mistakes

A common theme going through all three lessons is how we can learn from mistakes. Be prepared to go, for the most part, through pretty challenging questions. You should brace yourself for a lot of statistics that will show you not just the common mistakes, but how people come to make them and how to avoid them.

The course will be taught by Brian Galvin, a leading GMAT instructor and one of the select few who has broken into GMAT’s elusive 99th percentile.

Take the opportunity to jump-start your GMAT preparation by learning from the experts. It's worth it!

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Patrick Jackson

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