The GMAT Verbal Section (Video)

Learn more about the GMAT Verbal section in this official GMAC video. The Verbal, along with the Quant section, forms the core GMAT score, which ranges between 200 and 800 and that business schools quote in their admissions requirements.
The GMAT Verbal Section (Video)

However, the AWA and Integrated Reasoning sections - which we have already presented - are scored separately.

In this video you can watch an overview of the Verbal section of the GMAT exam presented by the official creators and administrators of the test – the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

Learn how the Verbal section of the GMAT exam helps evaluate a candidate's ability to synthesize and understand large amounts of material using reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction. These are the three types of multiple-choice questions asked in this part of the exam.

Keep in mind that as of April 2018, the number of questions and allocated time for the Quantitative and Verbal sections were reduced. This means that today the Verbal section of the GMAT consists of 36 questions to be answered in 65 minutes.

The presenter explains:

In an effort to assist schools in the selection and admission process, the GMAT provides an assessment of the candidate’s verbal skills.


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Iliana Bobova

Iliana Bobova is a seasoned international education and career coach, and a former Executive MBA recruiter and admissions officer. Since 2010, she has been advising and coaching prospective MBA and Master’s students globally during the Masters, MBA...

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