Low GMAT Verbal Score - What to Do? (Video)

How can a low GMAT Verbal score affect your MBA application? How can you improve the score and is it worth the time, effort and money?
Low GMAT Verbal Score - What to Do? (Video)


The Verbal and Quantitative sections together account for the overall GMAT score of 200-800 that business schools mention in their admission requirements.


Watch this video and find out what scores are considered too low, if you can compensate for a low score, and how to improve it if that is a better strategy.

MBA Podcaster host Bob O'Keefe explores what to do with a low GMAT Verbal score with GMAT expert Brian Galvin from Veritas Prep, a leading global GMAT prep provider.

Find out how to improve a low GMAT Verbal score and whether those with a quantitative background will be given leniency on the Verbal Section, and run through a sample GMAT Sentence Correction problem. Also, learn how MBA admissions directors view your GMAT test score.

Check out also: Free Live Online GMAT Classes

The guests in this informative podcast are Brian Galvin, Vice President of Academics at Veritas Prep; Isser Gallogly, Executive Director of Admissions, NYU Stern School of Business; Edward Lavino, Associate Director of Recruiting, University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Peg Jobst, Senior Vice President, GMAC Services, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

About the GMAT Verbal section

The Verbal section of the GMAT exam helps evaluate a candidate’s ability to synthesise and understand large amounts of material using reading comprehension, critical reasoning and sentence correction. The verbal section of the GMAT consists of 41 questions to be answered in 75 minutes.

A good piece of advice to truly prepare yourself for the GMAT verbal is to immerse yourself in diverse specialised texts in English. Read books, textbooks, magazines and newspapers on any topic that interests you. Plunge into fields of study new to you. Building a rich vocabulary and training your ability to comprehend complex texts quickly will help you a lot on the GMAT Verbal section.

Don’t forget about Standard English Grammar and idiomatic expressions. You will need them on the GMAT as well.


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About the author

Iren Hristoskova

Iren is passionate about languages, nature, travel and communication. She was a content writer at Advent Group for a year and wrote blog articles on various aspects of international Business Master’s and MBA studies, admission tests, and application...

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