More Difficult Vocabulary in GRE (Video)

If you’re facing problems with some words, don’t worry! Learn some of the more difficult vocabulary in GRE from this video!
More Difficult Vocabulary in GRE (Video)


In this video by Chris from, some more difficult words are described and explained. These are the most important words you need to learn for the GRE test. If you’re just starting off, you might want to pass over these words for now. However, if you have been practising for a while and you already have some basic GRE vocabulary, then pay attention!


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The first word is “dastardly”. It sounds negative and you may even have heard the collocation “dastardly deeds”. A dastardly person means someone who is mean and cowardly. For example, if you’re watching a movie and the good person tries to help the bad guy at the end of the movie, the bad guy ambushes him instead, then he is acting dastardly and he does a dastardly deed.


This word may sound to you like “aspersions”. And if you’re thinking that, you’re headed in the right direction. Aspersions are insults. We often hear the phrase “to cast aspersions at”, so to cast insults or slander at. Someone who is marked by asperity has generally a bitter, mean temperament. They’re often insulting and cursing.


This word describes a voice. So, if I have a very loud and commanding voice, it would be stentorian. It means it is deep and resonant.


No, this is not the word “forward” misspelled. The word “froward” has a quite different meaning. Being froward is to be someone who is really difficult to deal with. People who are forward usually disagree with everything you say and try to go out of their way just to make life more difficult for you.

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Deya Tsoneva

Deya worked in Advent Group as Marketing Assistant and Social Media Community Officer between 2017 and 2018. She has a degree in International Media and Entertainment Management from the NHTV University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. She is skilled...

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