Improving Your IELTS Band Score from 6 to 7 (Video)

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With hard work and a clear understanding of the skills you need to show, you’ll be well on your way to improving your IELTS band score.
Improving Your IELTS Band Score from 6 to 7 (Video)


You were aiming for a band of 7, but you got a 6 instead? Maybe you think that if you retake the test right away, you might just get lucky and reach this higher score. Don’t be fooled - this is a highly unlikely scenario. Before you rush to book another test, here are some tips that might help you improve your score:


Put the spotlight on your weakest skill

Be clear on what skill you need to improve on the most according to all the sections of the exam. Once you’ve identified it, think how to improve specific areas within that skill. Take into account that if you already scored a 6.5 you might only need to improve a few areas to lift your score to a 7.

Check out: What You Should Know About IELTS Results

Study the assessment criteria

For speaking and writing, the examiner grades you according to assessment criteria. The criteria are very detailed and, if you look at it carefully, you can get a very good idea of what skills you’ll need to demonstrate. You can find the assessment criteria at In the speaking test, for example, to get a band 7 you should speak comfortably without having to stop while you search for your words; be able to use a wide range of words to explain your ideas; be able to speak with full sentences without making too many mistakes; and communicate the English language clearly.

Look at sample responses

It’s always helpful to learn from others. Visit to find examples of work from people who scored a band 7 or above.

Go to class

Before deciding to spend more money on another test, take some time to go to an advanced English class. This way, you’ll be able to get personal feedback on your English.

Check out: 11 Steps to Achieving a High IELTS Score


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Deya Tsoneva

Deya worked in Advent Group as Marketing Assistant and Social Media Community Officer between 2017 and 2018. She has a degree in International Media and Entertainment Management from the NHTV University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. She is skilled...

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