Let’s begin with some basic information for academic task 1. Task one is one of the two things you need to do for the IELTS Academic writing exam. It’s the shorter one of the two and it’s only worth 1/3 of your total writing score. Task 1 is only 150 words long and it’s recommended that you take about 20 minutes to finish it. Some students think that they should focus more on practising for task 2, but the truth is if you’re well prepared for task 1 you can really do a lot to also boost your task 2 score.
Check out: How to Prepare for IELTS
How to approach task 1
It really helps to use a template with the questions. They’re very predictable, so the answer will always follow a simple and straightforward structure. Typically, the task one essay consists of 4 paragraphs. Let’s talk about each one of them.
Paragraph 1
This is where you will simply provide a summary of the visual information that is there. If there are charts or graphs, just mention the types of graphs that they are and the basic information that they show. Often in the question itself you can get information about things you should report on in this first paragraph.
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Paragraph 2
This is where you get into slightly more detailed territory, but you don’t want to report about any really specific information yet, because in this paragraph you should only give an overview of the most important information that you can find in the actual visuals.
Paragraph 3 & 4
That’s where you take specific information from the visuals and report about those. You really have to go into detail about everything that is there on your visuals.
Check out the full video from Magoosh IELTS to review an example of an Academic Writing Task 1 essay.