Free Tools for IELTS Preparation (Video)

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Test preparation can be fun, interesting and best of all – free! Learn about the free tools for IELTS preparation you can make use of if you are on a budget.
Free Tools for IELTS Preparation (Video)


Not every test taker can afford to spend a heap of money for test preparation. That’s why this video provides you with information about free materials and methods to use when preparing for the exam.


Study with a friend

A study buddy can be helpful for your motivation. You can give each other feedback and also push each other to stay concentrated on your tasks. Moreover, it’s far more fun than studying alone.

Check out: How IELTS Tests Your Speaking Skills

Read English

Try reading as much English as possible. Make it more enjoyable by choosing your favourite magazine or news website, for instance. You’re not obliged to always practise your reading skills with a boring textbook.

Listen to radio or podcasts

Sharpen your listening skills while you’re out and about. If you listen carefully to the speaker, you can learn from their pronunciation and might even pick up some new words.

Get on Facebook

The Facebook page IELTSessentials has around 1 million fans. This means that you have a choice of 1 million test takers you could interact with and learn from. The page is monitored by an IELTS expert who responds to each individual question. This is a perfect opportunity for you to receive valuable advice and consult with others like you.

Get free materials from

The website is packed with free resources, such as the IELTS support pack. The pack also contains information about the test and general advice. Moreover, the website offers free sample tests and practice materials for listening, reading, writing and speaking. You also have an opportunity to sign up for a free 90 minute seminar where you get to interact with an IELTS expert. It’s called IELTS Masterclass.

Check out: 11 Steps to Achieving a High IELTS Score

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About the author

Deya Tsoneva

Deya worked in Advent Group as Marketing Assistant and Social Media Community Officer between 2017 and 2018. She has a degree in International Media and Entertainment Management from the NHTV University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. She is skilled...

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