Empowering Female Leaders through IESE MBA

Join us for a panel with IESE female MBA alumnae to learn about their MBA experience, how this program impacted their careers, and the challenges they faced along the way.

Past event


This panel will offer insights into how IESE's MBA program supports and empowers women in leadership. Our esteemed panelists will share their perspectives on navigating the business world as women, and offer practical advice for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

Whether you are a current or prospective MBA student, a working professional, or simply interested in learning more about gender diversity in business, this event is a valuable opportunity to hear from accomplished female leaders and gain new insights into the world of business.

Don't miss out on this chance to be inspired and informed by some of the brightest minds in the business world!

Date: Thursday, 20th April, 2023  /   Time: 17:00 (Spain)

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IESE Business School

IESE Business School is the graduate business school of the University of Navarra. Founded in 1958 in Barcelona, where its main campus is located, IESE in 1963 formed an alliance with Harvard Business.



Paula Amorim

MBA Admissions Director 在 IESE Business School

Graduated: MBA´16
