96 學校

157 MBA

7 國家
all the accredited*
all the ranked*
* 我們使用最有影響力的排名——《金融時報》和《經濟學人》,以及三個主要的認證機構:AMBA、EQUIS、AACSB。
How we find your perfect MBA match
Matching is the second step in our unique process of finding your perfect MBA program. See how it works or browse through other steps:
How matching works
The AI tool works with all the information you provided, which is translated into more than 400 features. This includes your MBA preferences as well, but it uses them only as a possible, not mandatory, correlation for preferring (or not) a single school. We also take into account other individual features of yours such as work background, education etc. The models are unique per school, thus for one school a feature might be taken into consideration whereas for another it would be irrelevant.
Create your profile
Listing your results

How does the AI Match tool work? Which are the main criteria defining the list of 10 programs which appear in the matching results?
The AI tool works with all the information you provided, which is translated into more than 400 features. This includes your MBA preferences as well, but it uses them only as a possible, not mandatory, correlation for preferring (or not) a single school. We also take into account other individual features of yours such as work background, education etc. The models are unique per school, thus for one school a feature might be taken into consideration whereas for another it would be irrelevant.

Is the first school on the list the best choice for me?
The list is ordered by relevance. Out of the 1,000 listed schools on Unimy, the 10 you see in your list are the ones where the probability of you applying is the highest.

What is the difference between the Match and Fit features?
The AI matching tool would answer the question: “Which schools would I tend to apply to, based on my profile?” The Cultural Fit test, on the other hand, would answer the question “Which schools would I like, after spending considerable time being their student and being able to immerse myself in their culture.”