How to Gain MBA Insights from Current Students and Alumni

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Take the opportunity to interact with current MBA students and alumni, but ask the right questions.
How to Gain MBA Insights from Current Students and Alumni

Before you enrol at business school, you need to research as many facets of your potential destination as possible. Alumni and current students can be an excellent source of information and insights about your future MBA experience. Although each MBA journey is unique, alumni and current students have already walked a similar path and can help you make your decision.

Find out what questions to ask and why they are important for your future in the MBA world.

Attend our Alumni Talks with Maastricht School of Management (free webinar)

Application strategy tips

Get valuable pointers when it comes to preparing and submitting your MBA application. For example, you might want to ask about the plan and schedule they followed during their own application. Their answers might give you ideas how to optimize your time and structure your process.

You could also discuss the challenges they encountered during their application or mistakes that they made along the way that you should beware of. Their answers will not only help you manage your expectations but they will also show you that it is completely normal to experience difficulties during the admissions process.

Check out: 10 Articles about MBA Admission You Need to Read in 2020

Teaching practices

You can find out details about the curriculum, subjects, and teaching practices of your school of choice from their website and brochure. However, current students and alumni can share their own impressions of the faculty and teaching facilities which is always useful to help you make your decision. For example, what are some notable teaching styles practiced by professors and guest lecturers within the program?

If you are interested in an online MBA format, you might want to pay even closer attention to queries related to teaching. For example, how do professors and other faculty members create meaningful connections with students in the digital environment?

Networking opportunities

The diverse pool of connections developed throughout your studies is one of the intangible long-term benefits of attending business school. Quality networking will help you find potential employers or business partners and even make new friends. Usually, business schools do their best to promote the networking opportunities available on campus or in their online classrooms. However, it is always a good idea to dig a little deeper. Current MBA students and alumni might give you specific examples of connections they were able to make during their time in university.

Professionals interested in online MBA formats should definitely have a question in mind regarding the networking opportunities in the digital study environment. For instance, some programs arrange in-person events where participants can interact in real life and develop even more meaningful connections. Another interesting option is to organize regional networking events for students living near each other. Online MBA students can share their impressions on the topic.

Check out: How to Overcome These Common MBA Prep Challenges

International exposure

The international aspect of the business school program is another important topic for most MBA applicants. Moreover, this is one of the unique selling points of the study format. It immerses participants in globally diverse student cohorts and enables them to explore the multi-layered business landscape.

A lot of this information can be found on university websites and brochures but here is one question that you might want to enquire about: what is the diversity of case studies taught and discussed during the program? Business schools should make a conscious effort to include case studies from a variety of companies, industries, and countries in their teaching.

If your preferred MBA program offers study trips, this could be another point of interest when talking to students and alumni. What did they manage to learn from their trips and why were they useful?

Check out: Important Qualities for Your Business School Application

Every piece of advice you can get will be useful in improving your MBA application and increasing your chances of successful admission. However, keep in mind that the stories and recommendations of other students are subjective. Some of them may not really work for you, while others should be adapted to your unique context and perspective.

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About the author

Zornitsa Licheva

Zornitsa is a Content Writer & Editor at Advent Group, where she creates articles and blog posts for Unimy, focusing on higher education, leadership, and career development. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media, as well as a...

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