ESSEC & Mannheim EMBA- European Track

ESSEC Business School
Asset 1


Asset 2
18 months


Puteaux, Paris, France
Mannheim, Germany
Cergy, France


Asset 5
€ 65,000





The ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA is designed to:

  • Develop a 360 degree view of business and expertise in all corporate functions
  • Share best practices with peers and gain first-hand insights into different industries and functions through a group work philosophy
  • Gain an international perspective on doing business through exposure to a variety of cultures and growing business markets
  • Enhance your leadership skills in preparation for taking on top level jobs
  • Create and develop a valuable and lasting network of business partners and friends
  • Increase your versatility and value to your employer, thus multiplying your career opportunities
  • Acquire relevant knowledge and tools readily applicable to the challenges of your job
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Admission requirement

Experience (years)

min -
avg 39
max -
min 8
avg 17
max -
min -
avg 8
max -


* A first academic degree; * Managerial experience; * Experience in an international work environment; * Very good command of the English language.


Student Diversity

Male 59 / Female 41 Gender parity
66 國際學生
25 Nationalities

Faculty Diversity

44 International Faculty
65 International Board
32 Female Faculty
55 Women on Board



73 工资增长

Is ESSEC Business School a good fit for you?

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Is ESSEC Business School the right choice for you?

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ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA, Diogo Hoppen, class of 2022 | ESSEC Testimonies

Diogo Hoppen shares highlights from his EMBA and how the experience equipped him with the tools to handle challenges and deliver results in his role as Associate Director for a Private Equity firm.


What people are saying?

K.P., Alumni

35 years old
Executive/Part time
Enrolled in 2019

The school has great values, higly inclusive, ultra international, the effort is valued and appreciated, all the professors are available /accessible and helpful. Great effort is done to make women successful in Business environment. 

V.A., Alumni

35 years old
Full time - 1 year
Enrolled in 2019

As per my personal experience at ESSEC, I would define this school as being a cocoon providing its students with a variety of tools, materials, courses support and teachers in order to help every individual to understand the importance of leadership, team work, fun while working, creativity, curiosity and eagerness to find your own style/path. I had a great time and hope I'll be able to give back to the school at some point as an alumni.   

H.C., Alumni

32 years old
Full time - 1 year
Enrolled in 2019

Very focused on humanism, inclusion, sustainability and innovation/digital transformation. Really wants to bring about a new and better future through business management.

L.M., Alumni

27 years old
Full time - 1 year
Enrolled in 2019

Diversity is in their core, and you can definitely feel that when you're there. It is one of the best parts of studying at ESSEC. 

Other programs at ESSEC Business School

Full time - 1 year
12 months

Focus areas

  • Sustainability & Social Impact
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Leadership
  • International Business


02 Feb



ESSEC MBA Alumni stories

24 Nov



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